Let Me Google That For You

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An atmospheric scene, where the Algorithm introduces itself. This song is mainly music/sung with some spoken word in between.

Music starts: Let me Google that for you pt.1 

Let me Google That For You pt. 1

Interruption – spoken word & tap intermezzo, also change of music (still needs to be worked out!)




*Responds with a Tapdance that circles around and seduces the Human.*


I don’t understand? WHAT is going on here?

Balkan lick on instrument (horn balkan sounding clarinet?)
Start music: Let me google that for you (main part)

Let me Google That For You (main part)

Not yet finished.
This scene should finish with The Human asking to meet others.
Then the Algorithm brings The Human to the next location

have an idea
for this scene?

Ideas for this scene?